About the Painting

Largest professional oil painting by an individual measured 22.863 square meters and was created by Gurmej Singh aka Artist SinGh, as displayed in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, on 4th August 2016.  The painting “Star of Bethlehem” symbolizes the hope for the world and was created to celebrate equally for all.
It took Artist SinGh 4 months to create the whole painting.

The attempt was sponsored by O’Leary Paint
and co sponsored by B and G discount 

Artist Singh Gallery, Kalamazoo
Great Lakes Art Festival, Detroit
Arts Council of greater Kalamazoo

Name of the artist:

Artist SinGh 

Type of Picture:
Oil painting on a single canvas

 Star of Bethlehem
Official Guinness World Record
The  largest  professional  oil  painting
  by  a  single  artist  is  22.76    (245  ft²  20  in²), 
achieved  by  Gurmej  Singh AKA Artist SinGh (USA),
  at  the  Epic  Center
  in  Kalamazoo,  Michigan,  USA,
  on  8  September  2017.

Description of the painting:
The painting “Star of Bethlehem” is a night scene oil painting. The Blue night scene panorama of color, light and space is painted on single piece of canvas measuring 22.863 square meters. It’s a story of the Star of Bethlehem. It is highly detailed painting that includes architecture of the time, animals, caravan, desserts, landscapes, people of the time and their lifestyle. Amazing plethora blue hues are used to capture the miracle in the sky.  The arrangements in the sky, the stars and the movement on the land all points at the miracle –the star.

Why you decided to break a record?
This painting celebrates equality. The star of Bethlehem which symbolizes the hope for the world. In 2016, I fell in love blue hues which became the integral part of my work including my paintings, nature photography and selfies.  This vary concept of everything blue hues lured me attempted Guinness world record for the largest professional oil painting which is a blue night scene panorama of color, light and space.

Description of the event:
The public inspection and measuring of the painting  took place in Artist Singh Gallery in Kalamazoo, Michigan. A special tent was designed to host this large scale painting. Since the subject matter had many tents, it was inspiring to make the painting in a tent. The tent was left open during the entire process of painting and final display for public viewing and inspection.  Hundreds of people visited the gallery to watch the artist at work and revisited to see the finished work. 
The painting was unveiled on the 4th of august 2016, where three main witnesses and 2 process witnesses inspected the painting (Star of Bethlehem) the panorama of color, light and space. Special invitation was sent out to local artists, collectors, and dealers. It was free entry for the general public.

Final professional display
Arts Council of greater Kalamazoo
September 8th, 2017

Describe how the record was measured.

A Michigan state licensed surveyor (Randy B Ligman) measured the painting. He used 100 foot tape measure to measure the painting.
He measured the top of the canvas first lengthwise and then the middle and then the bottom. He took mean of the dimensions to find the average length of the painting. He did the same thing for the height of the painting.

Following are the measured dimensions:
22.863 square meters

Other Records won.

World Records

The Star of Bethlehem glimple